In fuga con Babbo Natale (On the run with Santa Claus) is a comedy directed by Volfango De Biasi, starring Giampaolo Morelli and Ilaria Spada together with the young talent of Enea Indraccolo. Released on Netflix last 12/15/2023 and produced by Colorado Film, it is the adaptation of a French movie by the title “Le pere Noel” by Alexandre Coffre.
It tells the eventful Christmas night of Antonio, a little kid who wishes from the very bottom of his heart to meet with Santa Claus and ride his sleigh up up above, right to the star where he believes his dad lives now.
On Christmas Eve, Antonio bumps into an unlikely partner in crime: a thief disguised as Santa Claus, who just wants to get on with his night of thievery. The encounter gives way to a series of hilarious and heart-warming adventures.
Rainbow CGI’s Vfx per Live Action team took care of all the 3D work and visual effects of the movie.